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Idaho Enterprise

Grandparents Only

Mar 12, 2025 02:11PM ● By Gramma Dot

Just finished Saturday morning breakfast with Tam and Grandma Red.  Today, we ate at my house because I’m trying to clean out my refrigerator’s bottom freezer and I found a package of sausage that needed to be consumed.  I don’t think I’ve seen the bottom of that freezer in years.  So, it is a lofty goal.

Now Tam is a Malad personality.  Known to some as the Cat Lady, she walks multiple miles a day, keeps the most beautiful yard on the north side of town, and has strong opinions on most subjects.  I like her a lot.  I have learned she is one for telling it like it is, or at least how she thinks it is; Grandma Red is just the opposite, although as she ages the filters have dropped off a bit.  Maybe that is because she hangs out with Tam. We got to my house, and I started the sausage, scrambled some eggs and popped some English muffins in the toaster.  We were doing fine until Tam had to butter her muffin.  The butter was hard.  Oh boy, did I hear about that.  In fact, she prefers her butter melted so she can just dip the muffin in. So, I melted the butter. She isn’t one bit concerned about her arteries.  

Next, they opted for hot chocolate over OJ.  Now, if there is anything I do have, it is a huge variety of hot chocolate options.  I hauled out the Swiss Miss packets, the Stephens Gourmet options, Nestle Quick and a few other varieties.  Tam was excited to see the Swiss Miss envelopes but come to find out the grandkids (I guess) had opened, and half emptied each envelope.  Mostly what was left behind were rock hard mini marshmallows.  Tam was not amused!  However, using about every variety on the counter she was able to create an acceptable beverage. I think she could have been a bar tender. 

Luckily, the honey was out and with the melted butter and warm muffins Tam was in her happy place.  Life is Good when friends are comfortable enough in your home to insist on melted butter and have no problem sorting through the hot chocolate!  Invite a friend and see if you get to melt the butter!

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