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Idaho Enterprise

City Council Meeting Malad 6/12

Larry Thomas was excused.

After roll call, the minutes from May 10 were approved.  


Sheriff Arne Jones and Doug Williams presented the budget to the city for the upcoming year.  This included a narrative which lays out the goals and plans for the department over the coming year.  

The goals for the next year include: Recruitment and retention, which have been noted as an issue for several years.  The main issues have been salary and benefits to families.  The budget request includes raises starting to $24/hr.  $25/hr after Post.  Dispatch $16/hr, post $20/hr.  Drivers License examiner position is being proposed as a fulltime position.  B budget includes operating expenses, which reflect increases in postage/printing.  A civil deputy mails out materials for the prosecutors office and court system. The request also includes an increase in uniforms—three new ballistic vests.  Weapons and ammo increase to replace 3 tasers.  Cost of ammo has increased. C budget is capital—vehicles, facilities.  ADA compliance.  Biggest increase is vehicle body cam systems at $31K.  Current cams are 7 years, life is 5 years.  Sheriff Jones suggested switching companies to one that replaces hardware every 2 years.  B budget is repairs, services, licenses, dues, uniforms, leases, etc.  

Request from Sheriff was a total of $811K last year, and this year is $875K in A budget.  B budget, about $8K more ($113K).  C budget $65K last time, $102K this time, mostly for the video system.  Last year $990K, this year $1.1M in budget.  

Doug Williams spoke to the council about the camera system specifically.  All companies are going to a subscription program, where it’s about leasing the equipment and services, rather than owning the hardware.  City is paying about 24.2% for the contract.  

Mayor Hawkins asked about reports for fines from people picked up in the city.  Sheriff Jones explained that the officer numbers (down 3, now down 2), reflect the decrease in city traffic tickets.  Right now, according to Jones, most of the officers are on calls in town, rather than traffic patrol.  


The issue of potential annexation of an area for a senior-supporting neighborhood area was discussed.  

The council discussed a number of ordinances and language changes that they would like moving forward as the city’s code undergoes codification.  Some of the issues are tiny homes, twin homes, other issues.  Other issues of the definitions in the code were raised, such as potential changes to the definition of a residence, which at present requires 850 square feet.  The issue of defining Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) was also raised. 

One existing definition says no more than 6 people may occupy a dwelling, which needs to be updated to clarify that it means no more than 6 unrelated people, as there are some residents with six or more children, who would inadvertently be affected by the definition as it is.  

Code Enforcement

Code Enforcement Officer John Christophersen reported that in May, he had responded to 96 total calls, 27 nuisance, 15 dog, 2 pound, 4 fines paid, 3 parking and 3 water warnings.  Total of 21 warnings.  Fines collected.  Starting in June, any dog without a license will be fined.  Christophersen is working on trees, trying to get them trimmed on intersections and streets to allow visisbility for drivers and pedestrians.  Mayor Hawkins asked whether there had been  responses to ordinance violation letters yet.  It was reported that for the most part the answer was no.  Some abandoned vehicles that were in line for being towed have been moved, but the question of who pays the towing bills in that situation was raised and discussed.


JUB gave a bid to get the HS up to standard for signage for middle school and HS areas.  Tyler Webster would like to have someone come in with a truck and paint lines.  Sheriff Jones noted that some yellow and red parking curbs need to be repainted in order to be enforced. 

Well 3 went down 3 weeks ago.  A clay valve is stuck, so it won’t pump.  Will take $12K to replace the valve.  It should be next week or later this week.  

Dave Isaacson said after May 30 the city was being charged for water from Deep Creek.  Monday night, there was a sewer back up on N main.  Manhole at 2 N and Main and flooding basement.  Took 3 hours to get it unplugged.  No other flooding reported.  Main line is not in great shape.  Look at potentially lining it.  There is a deep hole near the manhole coming in.  

Lance Tripp mentioned that wasps were a big problem down at the field, as well as thistles down by the pickleball court.  Jaime Olsen mentioned that the flower pots outside city hall are nice, but maybe they don’t look level.  

Bill Lewis refurbished the Ireland Bank Outhouse.  It’s going to be located near the end of the building.  There are some concerns about vandalism, but the project was moving forward. 

Tyrell Neal suggested placing another 30 mph sign on 100 W, maybe between 6th and 5th.  


Scott Ray from City Recreation Department reported to the council about several issues.  He pointed out that the dugouts at the ballfields were where the wasps were the worst.  Adult pickleball just wrapped up.  The only real problems were weather and rain.  They are thinking about running another league in September.  Only 7 kids signed up.  Most are in other sports or activities and don’t have time.  Tyrell suggests to try it again and see how engagement was.  He has some ideas about how to generate interest and get people involved.  Maybe a beginners club, intermediate, advanced on different days during the week.  Would use 2-4 courts, depending on numbers.  Call it club rather than league.  Each would play on a particular night, depending on skill.   They could add more if needed.  They should contact Paula Thorpe, Kelsey Barnes, or Scott.  Tyrell Neal expressed the belief that “These courts get people down there and interacting,” and had so far been a positive asset to the city.

Lance Tripp requested paddle holders for the pickleball court, as well as a pitching machine for the boys.  The Girls have one, but the boys need one.  A motion to purchase a pitching machine was approved for $2,000.

A discussion about the soccer program and whether to pay the refs was held.  Other refs are paid, and Lance would like to train soccer refs.  Brett Evanson suggested that until they get bigger fields and a more competitive league there isn’t really a need for more advanced refs.

Park Trees

Trevor Robbins of Healthy Greens Tree and Lawns spoke to the council about some of the trees in the park.  He has noticed that there are some things that he could do for 532 trees to make them healthier.  Malad is known for trees, according to Robbins, but he noticed that some of the younger trees are improperly planted or have supports that can deter growth.  He also noticed insect damage to some trees, which had bores.  Aphids were another noted problem.  Nutritional deficiencies are partly due to wear the trees are located.  May need some root injections, or other treatments.  

Robbins approached the council to report on his observations and offer services.  Robbins offered to come on as a local expert who could be contacted.  The mayor asked if he had a rate schedule.  Another 500 trees may be on the way, and the grants will pay for maintenance.  He can be included in the grant request as a budgeted expert.  He reiterated that having someone walking the path and keeping an eye on trees is the best way to keep on top of them.  

He mentioned 25 trees in the cemetery that may have iron sclerosis.  And some trees in the park.  The price for root injections varies depending on the type of trees and locations.  Roughly $961 dollars for 25 trees to be treated with iron.  

A motion to have Trevor treat 25 trees for iron deficiency at the park and cemetery for $961 was approved.

Noise Ordinance

The council discussed a noise ordinance issue raised during the last city council meeting related to a dirt track on residential property.

Enforcement Officer Christophersen explained that he has witnessed it in use, and feels that “dirt track” is the right term.  He observed the activity during a time when people were riding behind Price’s house.  He only saw one bike make a loop on the track.  He sat in front of Dan Williams’ house, and didn’t see anything that would have violated the current ordinance.  He feels like he needs more direction on where to go from there.  He feels like it hasn’t been citable in his observation.  According to him, Jesse is setting parameters and avoiding something that warrants a citation.

Tyrell mentioned that it needs to be 30 feet from a property line.  Dan says that it’s about 40 feet from his family room.  The track itself is about 100 by 100. Lance Tripp says that it only applies to nuisance or noise.  Brett suggested that a dirt track should require a special use permit.  The issue is whether it is determined to be a park or playground, in which case they’re covered, or something else, which would require a SUP.  Lance Tripp doesn’t think it fits under the def of park or playground.  

The owners would be required to file for an SUP, which would require a public meeting and then issuing of the permit.  The track would have to be discontinued until the issue is resolved by way of the permitting process.  

A motion to inform Jesse Dredge that he needs to cease usage of the course while he pursues a special use permit passed.      

4th of July

The council discussed plans for the 4th of July parade.  Details will be finalized in the next week, and reported on in the June 27 issue of the paper.

Solar Panels

Four solar panels blew down at the PB courts.  They need to be replaced.  A quote is out at the moment, but Lance thinks maybe around $100.  Tory Richardson is going to put them up with his lift and secure them better.  

Business License

Equine rehab.  She will be a mobile practitioner.  She will go to people’s places.  A business license was approved.

Your Mom’s Coffee and Café 331 S Main.  Both were approved, but Tyrell Neal voted nay in the second case.  

Main Street Lights

A bid on Main St lights has been received for $68K plus.  There are 23 lights.  This includes all the stuff that goes along with it.  Plant hanger, lights, posts, etc.  Terrill Schwartz wants to use reimbursements for paid interest on the wastewater project for a few things, including these main street lights, as well as some other items.  A motion to approve the expense passed.

Co-op Building

Jennifer Hill and Brad Hess had made proposals for the co-op building going forward.  

“We just wanted to take an opportunity to point out reasons why we wanted to do this…”

A gymnastics program has been gone for at least 8 years.  There were about 100 kids involved when it ended.  A group led by Jennifer Hill would really like to get it going again, and offer classes for toddlers through 18 year olds.  

The gymnastics program in basement of the Main Street is outgrowing its location, but they have more kids that want to be a part of it.  They would like to stay part of the city program.  Whether it was covered by city liability or not was one issue. Terrill wants to know what it would take to get the building up to a usable state.  

Brad Hess proposed to help remodel the building to make it usable.  He says that to get it up to a usable standard it would take around $100K.  Hess mentioned the idea of putting $100K into the building to make it functional in exchange for giving the city property to put a water tower on.  

Brett Evanson asked about if the city was interested into selling just the hardware section, and mentioned that they would have to do some sort of condo plat.  

Bids for Co-op remodeling were received, from Envision Solutions for $19,385.50, and Micah Butler for $20K.

The bids included the hardware section being closed off from the co-op, erecting a wall to separate them, redoing the bathroom and the flooring. 

There are some issues with scheduling down the road.  Will the building be able to be used for other things later?  Are there other options for a gymnastics program?  Should gymnastics be part of the city rec program, or should it be a private business that just rents the space from the city?

Terrill Schwartz wanted to know how much they could make a month.  The council basically decided to table the decision until next month and consider both the bids and the future occupancy of the building.

Park Cameras

There has been vandalism and other issues at the park, and Lance Tripp wants the cameras installed sooner rather than later.  Terrill Schwartz says the city can use the interest reimbursement.  They motioned to use the funds to go with ATC’s bid for cameras.  $5,585 for cameras.  

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