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Idaho Enterprise

Read A Thon Winners

A Read A Thon was held by the Oneida County Library from April 1st through April 30. Thirteen children between the ages of five and thirteen participated. 

The winners were determined by the child who read for the most minutes and the one who brought in the most money for the library.

The first winner is Addler Zahn who earned $800. The second winner is Levi Balazs who read for 7205 minutes.

A bowling party was held in Malad for all those who entered.

The kids were given pizza, donuts, and cookies while they enjoyed bowling.

The grand prizes for the two big winners were: A quilt from the quilt club, a gift card from Allen Drug, a gift card from Just for Fun, and a book written by Jill Vanderwood.

Each child who entered the read a thon was entered into a prize drawing where their names were drawn out twice.

Other participants won prizes such as swimming passes to LaGrande Aqua Plunge, additional books written by Jill Vanderwood, certificates from Pizza Stop, and two liters bottles of pop from Thomas Market.

 Read a thon sponsors:

• The Lions Club  • Pizza Stop

• The American Legion                      

• Thomas Market  

• Just for Fun    

• Children’s author,
Jill Vanderwood

• Allen Drug  • Malad Quilt Club

• LaGrande Aqua Plunge

Total amount earned through the 2024 Read a thon: $1700

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