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Idaho Enterprise

Mini horse show

The final judged show event for Monday’s Fair kickoff was the mini horse show in the arena.  Judge Shantel Falter from Blackfoot had the task of handing out ribbon in a fun and exciting series of events.

The same group of participants were involved with each of the event types: Emmett Moyer, Paisley Moyer, Lyndee Nimer, Whitnee Waldron, and Caroline Whipple.

The show began with the Showmanship event.  During the event, the horses enter the ring with their handlers and then take their position for inspection by the judge.  Judge Falter asked each kid a question about their horses.  “I asked them all a question about their horse’s body parts.  It’s just a reminder to make sure to know that stuff, since a lot of judges in competitions will ask them.”  According to the judge, the placement at the top was very close.  “This is such a fun class to judge,” Falter said.  “You have some brand new kids out here, as well as some with a bit more experience.  They’re all doing great, though!”

In Showmanship, Whitnee Waldron took first, Lyndee Nimer took second, and Paisley Moyer took third.

The Driving Trail event is basically an obstacle and skill course, that has the handlers work behind their horses with reins.  The course involves driving the horses over logs and other elements, stop and start in designated locations, and move through gating.  “It may sound easy once you see the course laid out, but sometimes driving horses without a cart is much harder than with one,” Falter said.  Some of the horses were nervous about navigating some of the course’s features, and the event presented the most difficulty of the three.  “It’s not the easiest thing in the world with some of these horses,” Extension Office Director Sawyer Fonnesbeck said.  “But we have some great kids out here at this show, and we got a lot accomplished.” 

In the event, Whitnee Waldron took first, Lyndee Nimer came in second, and Emmett Moyer took third.

The Jumping in Hand event has the handlers use a lead to run alongside their horses and lead them through a course of jumps.  Emmett Moyer chose to lead in front of his horse and jump with it, which was a crowd favorite moment.  In the event, Paisley Moyer placed first, Whitnee Waldron came in second, and Lyndee Nimer won third.

Overall, the display of skill and dedication on the part of the kids was impressive to those in the stands, the judges, and the 4-H staff.  “For those of you that struggled with your animals during some parts of these courses, it was great to see you keep at it.  That’s the way you win,” Falter said.  “You guys keep trying and keep working.  Everyone came out of this a winner and did a great job.”

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