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Freshman Class Presidency

Malad Takes on Envirothon!

By Adi Schow and Mathilde Dickerson

Last week on Monday, April 29th and Tuesday, April 30th, six students from Malad High School traveled to Challis, ID with FFA advisor Lexie Evans to compete in Envirothon ‘24. These students were Kimball Carter, Mathilde Dickerson, Emma Lloyd, Caleb Roe, and Jenetta Jacaway (alternate). The theme of Envirothon ‘24 was “Renewable Resources for a Sustainable Future.” On Monday, the team spent the day learning about forestry, aquatics, soil, and wildlife. The teams would cycle between each station, given a 45-minute lecture about each area by people who worked in the field. Each team was then quizzed on these four categories, where Malad took first place in the forestry exam! Mathilde Dickerson, a team member whose focus area was forestry, said “It was such a great experience. Even with all the prior preparations, all the forestry studying I did beforehand, I still learned so much and was so excited when we won the forestry award!”

On Monday evening, a guest speaker spoke about the importance of renewable resources, the most sustainable resources, and the cheapest and most efficient methods of sustainability. The teams were then quizzed on this speech where, once again, Malad’s team took first place. After this presentation and exam, every attendee was introduced to the problem in which they would have two and a half hours to come up with a solution using no resources except the notes they took throughout the day. This solution would then be presented in front of a panel of judges. 

The problem involved providing a plan to achieve the fictional town, Envirotown’s, energy goal, which was to attain a net zero in carbon emissions by 2050. The teams were given information regarding pre-existing industries within the town, natural resources within and surrounding the town, population density, and other pertinent information. Malad’s team came up with three ideas: to build a hydroelectric dam on the adjacent river, to build a wood biofuel factory next to the logging facility, and to implement small but impactful changes on local farmlands. 

After two and a half hours, split in half between Monday night and Tuesday morning, the team then presented their solutions to a panel of three judges. After an anxious wait, all of the teams met back in the main area to have lunch while they announced the top five teams, who would be moving on to the next round and presenting in front of a larger panel of judges and all attendees. 

When Malad’s team was announced in the top five teams, the members were shocked. Kimball Carter, team captain, said he was “Surprised. Really, really surprised. I wasn’t expecting it.” Emma Lloyd, a team member, said it felt “amazing” when their team was announced, “I completely blanked.” The elation from the team was immeasurable, and they were excited to have placed in the top five and have the opportunity to go to nationals. After a long hour of waiting, Malad’s team was ready to present in front of everyone, more confident than the first time. The presentation went well and the team was feeling great. After presenting, Malad’s team awaited the results eagerly. 

In the final awards ceremony, where Malad’s team accepted their two awards in forestry and the current issue exam, they were awarded Outstanding Presentation! The team was beyond excited to have placed first in presentations and fifth overall! It was a great experience for Malad’s team, and they are grateful to have been sponsored by the Oneda Soil and Water Conservation District, allowing them to attend this year and bring home four plaques for Malad. 

2024-2025 Class Elections

By: Aubree Palmer

We, the students of Malad High School, are so excited to embark on the 2024-2025 school year with our newly elected student body and class officers. The new and upcoming study body officers are as follows : President: Zach Richardson; Vice President: Katie Coatney; Secretary: Brycen Talbot; Public Relations: Pagie Wilson; Pep Rep: Baylee Owens. For the Senior Class Presidency, it is as follows: President: Aubree Palmer; Vice President: McKenzie Leckie; Secretary: Teagan Daniels; Pep Rep: Anistyn Tovey. The Junior Class Presidency is as follows: President: Boston Burbidge; Vice President: Jack Willie; Secretary: Jaylee Ekstrom; Public Relations: Emma Bird; Pep Rep: Adi Schow. For the Sophomore Class Presidency, it is as follows: President: Drake Morison; Vice President: Jaxon Blasiedell; Secretary: Carter Smith; Pep Rep: Emree Hanks; Public Relations: Paityn Ward. The new and upcoming Freshman Class Presidency is as follows: President: Dawson Beutler; Vice President: Apen Bingham; Secretary: Brielle Bastian; Public Relations: Val Oseguera; Pep Rep: Kallee Talbot. When asking new Senior Class President Aubree Palmer, and Junior Pep Rep Adi Schow about their excitement for the new year they replied, “We cannot wait for the new school year!” Aubree remarked, “I love watching others grow in leadership positions, but there is no other office where you can get closer to your student body like at Malad High School!”

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